Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Gazing At The Stargazers

Yesterday one of the Stargazer lily buds was beginning to open. I figured I'd take pictures of it in different stages of development like the ugly duckling becoming a swan. So first picture taken at
9:30 a.m.

I would go out and check it every half hour. Nothing. Then I would wait every hour and check it. Nothing. All day long I went out and checked that ugly duckling. NOTHING. Finally went to bed at 11:00 thinking that this better not happen in the middle of the night because I would be a bit miffed. Got up this morning at 6:00 and looked out. Swan. RATS!!

There is another bud that's ready to open. Maybe this time I'll stay up all night sitting outside with my camera waiting for the magic to unfold,..... but don't count on it.


Anonymous said...

I don't think they like being watched. My plant is full of buds and blooms. They sure don't last very long but they sure smell great. You need a time lapse camera. Middle sis

flydragon said...

Picky little plant. What do they want? A ten piece band with fireworks for their unveiling? I wonder if a harmonica and a sparkler will do. That's if I can find a sparkler.

Anonymous said...

We need you to watch and take notes on the peregrine falcons!!! Such patience. Maybe you could try Moonflowers, because they open right before your eyes--before the sun sets--and also smell nice!:-)


flydragon said...

I tried the Moonflower before, remember? It grew up the downspout to a height of 20 feet with the flowers so high up I could hardly see them, let alone smell them. I tried leaning out the upstairs window trying to get a sniff and almost fell out. So no thank you on the Moonflower.

flydragon said...

Well, seeing that there is no policy, guess who's paying.

Anonymous said...

How about Angel's Trumpet? (Aka: Datura) They're another night bloomer with amazing fragrance. :-)
I'm impressed with the passion flower pics. Great job on the "time-lapse"!

flydragon said...

Hi Guru. Nice to see you. I did try a smaller datura (the post "The will to survive") but it didn't have any scent to it as far as I could tell. Never tried the gorgeous Angel's Trumpet but have thought about it. Maybe next year. On the pics of the passion flower I should have taken a few more during the different stages of the "opening" but... live and learn.