Friday, July 18, 2008

Cooling Off

After checking everybodys weather report for today, I thought I would try to cool ya all down a bit.


Anonymous said...

Boy did that do the job! Had to get my sweats on. Yeah. Probably won't be too long will till we see that picture again. UGH Middle sis

flydragon said...

I walked down to the store this morning about 7:30 and it was very comfortable. Not so now.

Mr. McGregor's Daughter said...

LOL! That's just what I needed. Yesterday it was 80 at 8 a.m. Makes you want to hang out in the frozen foods section of the grocery store.

flydragon said...

Glad I could help out. Love hanging out in frozen foods in summer. Hate being near frozen foods in winter.

Nancy said...


That's enough to remind me why I don't want to live where it snows...


flydragon said...

Then it worked for you.