Monday, November 3, 2008

Why In The World Did I Do That?

I like to think that I know myself fairly well. I always thought I had a pretty good idea of how I would react or what I would say to the little things that go on in my life. I’m not talking about some big decision making event, just about those small occurrences that pop up in normal everyday living. And most of the time I do react as I think I will but sometimes, for some unknown reason, I do a complete flip-flop and do the un-expected.

The first one I really remember is when I was about 10 years old and I went to stay with my relatives for about a week. This was the first time I had ever gone anywhere without the rest of the family. Granted, at that age there were probably a lot of things I didn’t really know about myself, but I certainly knew what I liked and what I didn’t like.

Everything was going along swimmingly until I went to spend a few days with my Grandma L. who lived in a big, old house. When asked if I wanted to sleep in an upstairs bedroom or down in the basement, I promptly said basement. WHAT??? I hated basements. I was afraid of the dark back then and basements were dark, dreary, scary places and I hated them. I knew I hated them, and yet I picked the basement to sleep in!!!!! And not only that, after being scared the first night down there I was asked if everything was okay and if I wanted to sleep upstairs the next night. I said, you guessed it, no, everything was fine and I’d sleep in the basement again. I remember that incident very vividly and to this day, I still have no idea why I would do such a thing.

Another time that sticks in my mind is the one about the anchovy, of all things.
This time I was an adult (supposedly) and we were about to buy a new house. The sellers invited us over for a little get together and served crackers with cheese, crackers with other goodies, and crackers with anchovies. Yep, I hate anchovies. I don’t like the taste or texture of the smelly, salty little critters. When she came around with the tray of assorted crackers, I passed over all my favorites and picked up the one with the anchovy, and I immediately thought “what the hell did you just do?” I sat there holding this cracker in my hand, staring at that ugly little thing lying on top and didn’t quite know what to do about it.

I sat like that for a little while but I knew I would have to eat it eventually because there was no house plant nearby to hide it under, and I couldn’t very well hand it back and say that I changed my mind and didn’t really want this disgusting thing. So, I gritted my teeth, swallowed hard, popped it into my mouth, and chewed as fast as I could while holding my breath. (I had read somewhere that if you didn’t breathe you couldn’t taste.) But that little trick didn’t work this time because I could still feel that hairy thing on my tongue and I swear I could still taste that yuck. And no, I did not repeat that one. When she came over again with that tray, I did not pick the little fishy. I did ask for some more wine though, (of course that was just to get rid of the taste).

So, how well do I know myself? Are there instances in life where I am not who I think I am, but instead somebody completely opposite? Could it be that I have multiple personalities, and the naughty one shows up sometimes to make me scare myself silly, and the mischievous one pops out to embarrass me in front of strangers and yes, even my own family? Hey, I kinda like the idea. That would mean there is also one in there who is snide, sarcastic, snippy, with a dark sense of humor, and who is totally unlike the sweet, smiling, kind, true me, and therefore none of the weird stuff is really MY fault.

I / we can live with that.


Anonymous said...

This is so funny. You know, I've done similar things and then wonder "who was that?" I like the idea of multiple personalities and nothing really being our fault! I'd like to think that one of my personalities is sporty, care-free, and throws caution to the wind. The real me is afraid of everything! ha

RURAL said...

Maybe we all have these "other" personalities, that take over.
I think mine are just reactions.

And I am learning to take the time to choose, instead of just reacting.

You are too funny. Great post.

beckie said...

How very insightful of you to come to this conclusion! That would explain all the out of character things I do. I had thought in my case it was old age taking over. I am so glad to know it's just multiple personalities. :)

flydragon said...

I'm really glad I finally figured it out. And now that you know it too, I'm sure your "sporty" will be sneaking out any time now:)

I also take the time to choose, it's all those other guys that are just reacting.

much, much better to blame it on the multies instead of the age, ha.

Anonymous said...

Hey I don't know any sweet, innocent, timid little sis. Where in the world did you get that idea? Never remember grandma's basement. I guess I never slept down there. Middle sis

flydragon said...

You scare that one so she hides when you're around and someone else has to show up.
Be glad you never slept down there!

Anonymous said...

Can I see a pic of "the sweet, smiling, kind, true me" please? The one that keeps coming to my mind is on a hot air balloon.

Fla Brat

flydragon said...

Fla brat,
Sweetie doesn't photograph well so I'm afraid there is no picture.

Susie said...

Okay Sybil, what is really going on in your head?

Dog_geek said...

"That would mean there is also one in there who is snide, sarcastic, snippy, with a dark sense of humor," Hmmm.... isn't that the one of you who usually posts here? Back to the basement with you, kinder, sweeter flydragon!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Betty about the 'sweet' one:-) And IF you ever choose to return to WV, you may sleep in my basement, if that will make you happy. BASEMENT!! I remember Grandma L's basement, but only because of her making soap, which I can still smell. Don't remember any bed down there or did you sleep on the floor? And why would you even think about sleeping down there!!! But then this sister hates basements, no matter where they are. I remember the basement at Hazeldell--is that in your memory? I still dream about it. You sure are dredging up the 'stuff.'


oldcrow61 said...

So funny. A great read.

flydragon said...

I'm not sure what is going on up there. I guess we should have a meeting to figure things out. Hope nobody brings anchovies.

Yep, Snotty Sal usually does the posting. And the rest of us agree... sweet sue should be banished to the basement to keep her out of our way when we're trying to have a little fun.

Fooling myself? You better hope the sweet one shows up when I come to live at your house.

flydragon said...

Why is it that my entire family says they don't know anything about my sweet side? That's not very nice!!
I don't remember grandma making soap down the basement, but there was a bed when I slept down there so no, I didn't sleep on the floor:) If you're talking about a basement at Hazeldell School, I don't recall that at all, but I do remember the basement at home at 117th. Hated going down there, too. I used to dream about falling down those basements steps because something was chasing me. Come to think of it, that probably wasn't a dream and the two of you really did chase me down there. And you say I'm not sweet!!

flydragon said...

It's weird what strange memories pop up from time to time. Of course with all those other personalities in there too, there has to be a ton of memories that I'm not even aware of yet. This could get interesting.

Roses and Lilacs said...

It sounds like the basis for a best selling book. Get writing.

flydragon said...

Maybe I should. I'll start it and maybe when I get up in the mornings there will be new chapters written that I know nothing about. Mmmmm, now I'm scaring myself.

Rudee said...

Oh my, this is a very funny post. It seems like you may very well have a daredevil swimming around in your mind.

flydragon said...

I just wish he wouldn't pop up at the most inconvenient times.

Anonymous said...

ha - everyone is passing up the truly funny part of the story - why grandma would ask if you preferred the cold, lonely, scary basment to a warm, bright and friendly room.

flydragon said...

Hi Nicole,
Does kind of make you wonder doesn't it? Maybe she sensed something about me that even I didn't know. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

one alter must be CHALLENGING the other alter..who is really in charge?? Who will show up to blog tomarrow LOL:)

flydragon said...

I'm hoping one of them shows up tomorrow to post something, anything, because right now I got nothing.

KALI said...

sometimes, we really have to push ourselves beyond things or situations...
i admire the "sleeping in the basement" thing! congrats for facing your fears, in the second night... :) my grandma's house have basement as well...but never did what you've done!
& the "anchovy???" hahaha...

flydragon said...

I don't think I slept in the basement the second night to "face my fears". I still don't know why I did that:)