Saturday, November 1, 2008

They're Baaaaaack

Before I got my first bird book, I used to call the little birds that spent the winter here, “skunk heads”, (because of the white stripes on their heads) “bibbed birdies”, (because it looked like they were wearing little bibs around their neck) and “lightening tail” (because when they fly you can see the white tail feathers flash underneath the gray)

What they really are of course are White Crowned Sparrows, White Throated Sparrows and Juncos. I think I like my names better. And I like watching them fight and chase each other all around the yard. What I don’t like about them is the “why” they show up. And they are here now. Juncos were the last to arrive a few days ago. So I know what’s coming next.

BUT…… yesterday was in the 60’s and today will be close to that. And the forecast for next week looks pretty darned good too.

So, out I go. I have things to do, places to go, sidewalks to walk, leaves to rake, well maybe I’ll pass on the leaves. So… sorry birdies, I’m not being unfriendly but I’m going to ignore you. I’m not going to look at you. You are not here!! And fall will last till spring!!

Why didn’t I think to do this last year?


Anonymous said...

You sound just like me - I come up with names for everything. I call Carolina wrens "singy birds."

Susie said...

I think that is a nice, positive way to think of winter. Oh, sorry! We're not suppose to be thinking of it at all. My Bad!!!

flydragon said...

"Singy birds" works for me. I think we should call all birds as we see fit and forget all those books.

Bad Susie :)

Anonymous said...

I've only seen the crowned sparrow ( or what you call it.) Haven't seen the other two yet so I guess it's still fall and not close to winter here. The leaves are still clinging to the trees. They're not giving up yet either. Middle sis

flydragon said...

That's a skunk head. Maybe it's a sign that the other two haven't shown up. A good sign!! Leaves haven't given up here either. I just know they're waiting for the "s" word before they all fall.

Anonymous said...

"SHIT" Is that the "S" word they are waiting for? (as in OH SHIT, HERE COMES WINTER) Oh, forgive me, I live in Florida and I don't worry about any words to announce winter. I love winters here. You would too flydragon!!!!! Make me prove it!!!!!

Fla Brat

beckie said...

What fun! Not thinking of the 'W' word will make it disappear? Okay, I'll try. Glad your birds are back though. They will be fun to watch while we are not having ....

flydragon said...

Fla brat,
Yep, that would be one of the "s" words along with a few others. I would imagine you have the need to use that one sometimes even without the other "s".

I'm positive that not thinking about "w", "s", "s", and "s", will keep them from happening!!

oldcrow61 said...

lol, a sure sign of winter here is when all the Juncos arrive.

flydragon said...

old crow,
Don't look at them! Don't look!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hope you can continue to ignore them! Especially those Juncos! :)

flydragon said...

I will be wearing blinders from now till March. That should work.

I didn't used to because I never thought about the consequences of watching them. But now that I do, you can bet I will ignore them as long as possible, endangered skunk head or not.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Sometimes I wonder about the names. I don't like nuthatch or titmouse or tree sparrow (or a lot of others) -- what do those mean?

flydragon said...

Isn't is strange the names they (whoever they are) come up with? I have yet to see a nuthatch take a peanut back to it's nest, sit on it, and hatch it. lol And as far as titmouse is concerned, well forget that one.