How do I know she wasn’t being helpful, and was instead being a smarty pants? Well aside from the fact that this book was written for children between the ages of 8 to 10, she also tucked a little note in it that said “couldn’t resist” and it had a very large smiley face drawn on it. And we all know that the bigger the smiley the bigger the rub.
Little did Nan know that I just might find something useful in here to get rid of some or all of my saved umm… stuff. From collages, mosaics and mobiles, to sculptures, prints and masks (that one should come in handy). And one neat idea involves a whole bunch of pull rings from cans. Since I haven’t saved any of those I’ll have to go buy a lot of beer, er…I mean soda, so I can get busy on that project. Oh what sacrifices we artists have to make. And as soon as I finish something… anything… I’m sending it off.
So thanks Nan, and be expecting a package, maybe two or three, in the mail any day now. I know you’re going to love my art. After all, you know what they say. “One sister’s trash is another sister’s treasure.”

It's obvious humor runs in the family.
Fabulous! I can't wait to see what sort of art projects you construct after consuming enough beer to get a sufficient number of pull tabs. Post pictures! Also, I think you should incorporate the ancient makeup you have been saving, just because I really would feel a lot better if you got rid of it somehow.
I can just imagine when all your family gets together there is never a dull monment! Cute post and I am looking forward to seeing some of those art projects.
Yes, I guess it does. But this time I'm going to get the last laugh!!
I'm kinda wondering what all that beer will inspire too. Can't wait to find out! And great idea about the makeup. I think I'll use that to color my art instead of using that bottom of the paint can stuff I've been saving. Of course I'll have to put a warning label on that one "Toxic. Do not get on skin"
We do have a pretty good time together, if you call sarcasm, snickering, and taking pot shots at each other a good time. Which we do of course. And I'm sure Nan's looking forward to seeing those too.
Hmmmm, can't wait to contribute to your pull tab collection, and Aunt Nancy's new "treasure".
Fla Brat
Fla brat,
Thanks, I knew I could count on you for that one!
Ha, ha, ha, so funny!
You two are having way too much fun!
Hi Flydragon. Sorry I've been away so long. Still getting things situated after the move. What a mess!!!!!
Cute post. I'm terrible about hoarding things. I guess being a packrat runs in the family. My uncle is the worst ever about that. I could barely find anything to throw away when we packed up to move, however, I did find a few things to take to the mission for them to sell.
Take care and have a great week.
Funny what a little book in the mail can turn into.
I think in this case, I'm going to have a lot more fun than she is:)
Hi Lisa,
I know you've been busy, but I miss you not posting. Hope things are settling in a little bit. So you're a hoarder too. Great, I love company:)
Oh my gosh, if only you would have posted this a week ago, I could of sent you boxes of pull tabs we found packed away at an estate sale we were helping organize. Perhaps that person had the same book!
Oh, never mind, what fun would that be, I'm sure you want to contribute your own beer...um soda tabs.
Yes, post pictures, we want to see your art.:))
Boxes of tabs? There was a lot of drinking of something going on there. I'm sure my "art" is going to be worth every penny I put into it and will certainly warrant a picture:)
Nan-you better get the postal inspector involved on the incoming packages. Flydragon-You are too much! Make sure you photograph and post on these works of art you'll be doing!!
Oh, my!!! LOL still. BUT do NOT send me ANYTHING except pictures on your blog!!! Our post office is sooo small, the word will be out all across town the minute anything arrives!! Think I started something here:-) And watch out for beer-enhanced creations!!!
Instead of posting a pic of my art, I could send you one of my creations directly if you're interested. It's free!!
I see you're familiar with "beer enhanced" art. Been doing some of that yourself? Is that the real reason you don't want any of mine?
I can't wait to see what you create! What fun! Easy on the beer, two sips makes me sleepy and non creative! LOL It would take me 50 years to drink enough beer to do a small project:)
Sisters know where to find your weak spot...
For a minute there I thought you might have made a big mistake and were calling me a tramp. But I did look it up and there is indeed something called tramp art. Since tramp art looks kinda nice, I guess we'll have to call mine "trashy art" because it won't be looking anything like that.
I figure this might take me a while too. Not quite 50 years though. More like a couple weeks if I really put my nose to the grindstone, or in this case, my lips to the can:)
Yes they do. But I also know where to find theirs, ha.
wow what a way to help the economy! A good excuse anyway. Get everybody to buy soda(beer) and send you the tops. Then you can make lots of pojects and sell them on ebay, you'll also make a few dollars yourself. Middle sis
yeah, I'll sell them on e bay as soon as you send me all of your beer pull tabs.
At least it's clever sarcasm. Who knows, this might be the beginning of a new career in craftmaking. Maybe I should get a copy of that book...
Well at least you didn't mean trashy tramp's "art".
If you need any supplies, I can send you enough to get you started.
Yes, but I plan on taking the stuff that I have stashed in the trunk of my car, and filling up the empty spots in the house.
Now don't be jealous. I'm sure with a little more effort you can have just as much as I do. After all, you have a whole workshop available to fill, while I'm limited to closets, trunks, drawers, and under the bed.
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