Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I’m afraid it’s that time of year. Time to bring the froggies in that have been hiding in the garden all summer and put them on the kitchen shelf before the frost nips at their little webbed toes.

First is Nan’s frog. I stole him from her garden when Betty and I went to visit her one year. I think he looks better in mine and he must like it here since he never tried to leave.

Next we have “The Thinker”. I never knew what he was thinking about, but it looks pretty serious.

Fatty here was pretty skinny when I first got him, but certainly made up for it in no time. I must have had a lot more slugs in my garden than I was aware of.

Three sisters. I’m the cute one. Don’t be kissing these frogs because I don’t know what we would turn into, although I’m quite sure it won’t be princesses.

Whoa, not you big fella. Sorry but you have to stay outside. There’s no room on the shelf for you.


Unknown said...

How cute are those. I dropped over from digginginthedirt-susie, hope you don't mind.

flydragon said...

Hi darla,
I don't mind at all, and hope you stop by often. The more the merrier I always say.

Unknown said...

Sorry about the snake photos, really. If you read the post you know I was in the car taking those photos.

flydragon said...

LOL, I know you were. I was only joking. I thought the photos were amazing.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I like your frog collection. I have one turtle and a few cat statues to bring in. They stay in the barn all winter.

RURAL said...

Actually, " big fella " is my favorite! Better bring him in too.

flydragon said...

As much as I like looking at flowers and plants, I also like to see little critters peeking out in odd places.

LOL, Big fella is my favorite too, but only as long as he is outside looking in.

Rudee said...

I like your fat frog. And the sisters. Good thing you're leaving the real one outside.

Anonymous said...

And I thought I was the cute one. Bringing in my menagerie also. Leaving a few out this year though. Middle sis

flydragon said...

No way would I want that monster frog in the house. I know what he would be eyeing when he ran out of froggie food.

Nope, I'm the cute one.

Dog_geek said...

Hmmm... that reminds me, I need to go bring in our deck plants and our pig. Actually, I hope the deck plants are okay - we've had a couple of frosts... could be hard on the palm tree. Ooops.

Susie said...

I think Mr. Thinker frog was wondering what planet you are from!!!haha.

Seriously though, you are a nut!!!
Keep it up though cause I need my daily dose of laughs from your blog!!!

flydragon said...


Well if the Thinker figured it out, he ain't talking.
Glad you get a chuckle out of these nitwit posts. Sometimes I do too.:)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cute, stealing your sisters frogs!
Not even the frogs are safe:)

KALI said...

wow... what a collection!!!
they are so cute.. and this season, congrats to them... they can feel the fresh air again! lol :)

raccoonlover1963/Lisa Myers said...

Hi Flydragon. Love the froggies! That last one looks a little grumpy about the fact that you won't let him in the house!
Have a great week.

flydragon said...

I wouldn't really call it stealing. He just kinda jumped into my pocket on his own when I wasn't looking. I didn't even know he was there till I got home. :)

But that fresh air around here is getting a bit too nippy.

He looks a little more than just grumpy. He looks downright mad. Good thing he isn't any bigger, I'd be locking my doors and windows.

Anonymous said...

All right! I don't really have time this morning, BUT you both got it wrong on the 'cute one'!!!! And I'd like to know whatelse 'jumped into your pocket'???
We had ice on the birdbath yesterday morning! Too late to bring in anything. That saves a lot of time--just wait long enough and it takes care of itself:-)

flydragon said...

Nooooo, you both got it wrong!! And as far as my pockets go, first tell me if you missed anything else and then I'll tell you if it jumped in there.
No ice here yet, so I have no excuses if I don't get something in on time. Darn.

beckie said...

Love your frogs! Even if one or two are there by suspicious means. I suppose the real frog is checking out the competition.

flydragon said...

hope you're feeling better.
And I don't think the real frog considered the others to be his competition. The look on his face leaves no doubt as to who's the boss. :)

flydragon said...

Since flashy wards off evil spirits, he definitely stays inside!!