Knowing her, she was probably knee deep in water trying to get the best shot. Well, maybe not knee deep….. probably not even ankle deep….. maybe just the soles of her shoes got slightly damp if anything, but nevertheless, here is what she got.
First some pictures of the “Pond”. Not a pond at all as you can see. Isn’t it gorgeous there?
And now……. drum roll please……..
They’re just so regal and elegant
Don’t they look as if they think they own the place
I’m surprised they aren’t wearing little crowns on their little heads.
So, great job Betty. And although I’m still pretty sure you had someone else get them from the camera to the computer and send them in the e-mail, I won’t mention it. As far as anyone else knows, it was all you!!
You know darn well it wasn't me that downloaded it on the computer. No telling where it would have landed if I did. I just love that pond. It started out when a guy with the last name of Granger owned the land and a business of selling sand which he dug from his property. That was before we moved here. Middle sis
Now see, I didn't tell everyone that you couldn't put them on the computer, you did.
Fantastic, you all!!! Beautiful. Both the swans and Grangers. Thanks for sharing:-)
Your sis is very talented! Hi Betty!! Wonderful pictures!
A very pretty place, and yes the swans look very regal. So this guy sold sand dug it out and voila a pond!:)
Nan and Betty.. Flydragon, I think I have read about your sisters someplace..I know The Dick and Jane books I read way back in first grade! :)
Aren't they great. And Betty put them on the computer herself!! :)
Something about those looooong necks and the way they hold their head. Royalty.
Betty is very good with that camera. And that pond has all kinds of other critters living there, too. Have to go back, soon, to get some more pics.
And you might be right about Nancy and Betty in the Dick and Jane books. They're both old enough to be in them. snicker, snicker
Hey you must be Sally. She wasn't that much younger. Middle sis
I have never heard of any Sally. I think you made that up.
She was the little sister along with Spot and Puff. Dog and cat.Middle sis
I also don't remember any Spot or Puff, so there.
Well, they say memory is one of the first things to go!
Fla Brat
What's the second one, or did you tell me that already?
The reason they weren't wearing their crowns is because they probably were being cleaned and polished at the jewelers.
That's a beautiful picture of the not so small pond.
Could be that they don't wear their crowns because all those heavy jewels give them an aching loooong neck.
Beautiful swans! And what a great sister to do that for you! Now you'll have to stop talking bad about her, right? ... Right?
I'll definitely have to stop talking bad about her. Well, if not stop at least cut down a little bit. Well, if not cut down a little at least I'll....umm.....
Beautiful blue pond and sky.
Whenever I see white swans, I think of the ballet, Swan Lake--altho the birds are more graceful and lovely than the dancers.
Looking at them I just get so relaxed and calm. Good for the soul.
I'm so glad you finally got a photo of those swans, and a pretty one at that!
So am I even if I wasn't the one to take them.
They comment as anonymous because they don't want anyone to know they're related to me (that obviously doesn't work since they sign off as sis, and in case anyone missed that, I told everyone about them, more than once I might add.)
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