Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"I've Seen The Light"

Lighthouse that is. Two of them in fact.

My sister and I decided to take a drive to the nice little town of Fairport Harbor. On the shores of Lake Erie, Fairport Harbor is a old town in which the lighthouse sits at the end of the main street, protecting the mouth of the Grand River since 1825. Didn’t want all those ships making a wrong turn and come chugging up the river right into downtown.

Due to the first light keeper’s strong views on abolition, the light has served as a guide for runaway slaves, marking a stop on The Underground Railroad to Canada. In 1871, the current tower which is 70 feet tall, was built to replace the deteriorating first one. This lighthouse is believed to be haunted by a gray cat, which was a former pet to a bedridden wife of a past keeper. Some claim to have seen a ghost cat whisking about upstairs, describing it as a gray puff of smoke. Interestingly, a mummified cat was found by a worker years later.

No, we did not see a gray cat, or any other cat for that matter. No animals of any kind. No cats, dogs, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks……..hmmmm...I wonder if they know something we don’t. And although it didn’t show up in this picture, I’m sure I saw this kind of eerie glow at the very top…..

That lighthouse served until 1925 when a new lighthouse was built on the breakwall jutting out into the lake. This lighthouse is actually still working.

Standing on the beach for this shot I then just swiveled to my right and took a picture of the new technology right after the old. Quite a comparison, wouldn’t you say? Not a lighthouse, but it certainly lights up houses.

The lighthouse is still working after 83 years, with no pollution. The nuclear power plant started up in 1987. Any bets on whether it will still be working in 2070? And since the handling, disposal and storage of spent radioactive fuel, that is toxic for centuries, is a major concern, any guesses on the amount of pollution it will be adding to our planets’ environment?

Whoops. How did I get up on that soapbox? Well I’ll get right back off and will continue this little road trip on a lighter note at a later time.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you are getting out of the house!

Fla Brat

Susie said...

Well, I was really enjoying the tour and info until you threw that nuclear thingie in there.

flydragon said...

Fla brat,
Why? What's the matter with my house?

Sorry Susie,
I was enjoying the view of the lake and the lighthouses and turned around and there they were. Right in my face. Couldn't help myself. Had to say it. Next one will be better :)

RURAL said...

I am a big lighthouse fan, love them. Not so keen on the other ones though.

flydragon said...

I wish I could have been closer to the second lighthouse to get a shot of the tower itself, but it was way out there. And since I didn't have a boat and I can't swim I was out of luck.
I wish I could have been a lot further away from the other ones. Don't care to see them.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I like the Lighthouses! The Nuclear Power Plants..not so much..only one was working..or can it work without spewing? :)

marmee said...

nice light house tour!

Dog_geek said...

Cool lighthouses - too bad you didn't see the ghost cat! Maybe next time you could borrow one of those parasail thingies from those loonies and get a closer look at the new lighthouse. (Boy, that nuke plant kind of spoils the view, huh?)

flydragon said...

Only one has ever been on line. The construction for #2 was suspended in 1985 and formally cancelled in 1994 so it just sits there doing nothing.

thanks, wish there could have been more of them.

I bet those loonies would love to see me out there on their parasail, trying to hold on and take pictures at the same time. They would be taking pictures of me to put on their blog:) The cooling towers are kinda neat looking as far as structures go. Too bad they belong to a nuke plant.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Those are lovely. I'm glad the powers that be have not seen fit to tear down these monuments.

flydragon said...

I guess at one time the city officials wanted to tear down the old one but the citizens complained so much they changed their minds. Even though the ships no longer need them, aren't they just great.

Anonymous said...

Wow I'm glad we took that tour. I've learned at lot more from you. I've seen those light houses so many times and never botherd to look into them. I did tour the nuke plant with the bus drivers years ago. A little scary. Middle sis.

flydragon said...

I didn't know that one lighthouse is supposed to be haunted till I looked it up. Interesting. Not sure I would want to tour the nuke plant.

Anonymous said...

You can walk the break wall to the other lighthouse. You can get to it from Mentor Headlands beach (if I remember correctly). Just in case you really want to get close to the lighthouse. A bit of a hike though. Might be less painful than the parasail (but probably not as entertaining).

Fla Brat

flydragon said...

fla brat,
I really would like to get a shot of the tower on the second one. Maybe we'll try walking the breakwall the next time.
Can't you just see me with the parasail.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh Yeahhhhhhh,

I'm lmao. That will be the day that I take the pictures and post them on the web!

Fla Brat