Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Busy As A Bee

Bumble Bee that is. They are all over the place. Unlike the honey bee that had been declining the last few years, but is now making a slow recovery, bumbles are multiplying like there's no tomorrow. At least in my yard.
On the late blooming Japanese Anemone
Backing out of an Asarina bloom with yellow pollen clinging to his legs
On the only Cosmo that I have (these did not do well this year)
A blurry bee coming in for a landing on the Autumn Clematis
And last but not least, on the sedum.
They love this plant, which is why I have moved it to the back of the yard. Waaay back. When the nights start to be a little chilly, I come out here in the early morning before it warms up and this bush is totally loaded with them. I guess they decided to make it their bed when spending the night.


Anonymous said...

Hey I thought I'd comment before this thing freezes up again. My anemone isn't in bloom yet, though it has alot of buds on it. We sure have alot of bees also. They get right into the dahlia blooms and just stay there. They don't even move when I deadhead the spent ones. Middle sis

flydragon said...

Glad you could squeeze me in before you had to pull the plug. Wish you could get that old thing fixed,(the computer not conrad) miss your comments.

Susie said...

flydragon-I can't blame them for bedding down on the sedum. Looks like it would make a comfy lounging spot.

That's a beautiful anemone bloom. I've never grown it before. Looks like one of those "hard to" plants.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Your sedum is a pretty color. I just got two new ones that are a dark pink. Think I'm going to like them. No bees or butterflies so far, strange.

flydragon said...

That sedum does look soft, doesn't it? I just went out to feel it and it's kinda prickly. Not fluffy the way it looks.
The anemone is not hard at all. Believe me if it's growing in my garden, it's easy.

This time the camera actually makes the color look better than it is. It's really kind of a faded pink. I think you'll be much happier with the darker. I'm surprised the bees haven't found it yet, though.

Anonymous said...

This is the first year I've noticed these small bumble (think I spelled it right this time:-) bees, and yes, they seem to be all over the place. They love the red raspberry bushes and seem to sleep there. I haven't had them bother me at all when I'm picking the berries, either, but I'm not taking any chance--I'm VERY careful!


flydragon said...

I'm surprised that this is the first year you've noticed these bees. I've always had them in huge numbers. I guess they're not very aggressive but will sting when they feel their nest is threatened. I don't know where their nest is around here but hopefully it's not very close to the house. I tried watching them when they flew away to see where they went but always lost them.

I wonder how long they carry a grudge. Watch your back!!

beckie said...

Flydragon, I love the Japanese anemones. Another one for my list. Your bee shots are great, I wish I had macro oon my camera. I had several honey bees this year, but lots of bumble bees and they are still around. They love my Russian sage.

flydragon said...

I'm beginning to think the bumble bees will make do with anything. If one of their favorites isn't around, they'll learn to like something else. I like the anemones too. The buds take so long to open you begin to think they never will, but eventually they do. And it is such a pretty flower.